
Children’s Dental Health Month

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children's dental health month

We know it can be hard to get your children to brush their teeth, and to do it well. However, establishing good oral hygiene habits at an early age can help set your children up with a healthy smile for a lifetime. With Children’s Dental Health Month, Colgate says that parents and teachers can use this time to help kids celebrate and learn more about the benefits of having a healthy smile. 

By knowing the stages of tooth development and learning the best way to care for your child’s teeth, you can help set your children up for a happy and healthy smile far into adulthood. Keep reading to see development stages and how you can play your part in making sure your baby has healthy teeth before they even pop through the gums.

The Stages 

Baby + Toddler

Let’s take a look at how your baby’s teeth arrive once they are born. We want to note that not all babies are the same, and everyone experiences a different teething process. Your child’s teeth will come through when their body is ready for them, so don’t be too worried if your baby’s timeline isn’t lining up with this general one.

0-12 months

Did you know that your baby is born with 20 teeth already below the gums? It’s true, but you won’t start seeing them pop up until they’re anywhere from 6 months to 1 year old. This is what is called the teething phase. This phase comes with a lot of sleepless nights, loss of appetite, and more fussiness from your baby. Remember, this phase doesn’t last forever. This painful period will be over before you know it. Most of the time, babies can teeth with no serious complications. However, if you are concerned about the symptom’s your baby is experience, call us – (303)-872-7907.

Usually, the first teeth to appear are one of the lower front teeth, known as central incisors. Next the top front teeth will come in, also called by the same name. 

Pampers outlines the rest of the teething schedule as: 

9-16 months 

The next set teeth to come are usually those on either side of the first central teeth, the lateral incisors. Typically, they’ll show up on the top first before popping up on the bottom.

13-19 months

Just after their first birthday, you can expect the first molars to start popping up, most likely beginning on the top. 

16-23 months

At this stage in teething you’re likely to see the first canines. Canines are the pointy teeth that are often sharp.

23-33 months

As your child grows into a toddler, you’ll begin to see the second molars filling in the final gaps, rounding out a full set of 20 primary teeth. Primary teeth not only help with chewing and talking, but they also prepare the mouth for the permanent teeth that come in later on in life. 

Child + Teen

6-7 years

Around this age, your child will begin getting permanent teeth. This can be uncomfortable as the teeth begin to push through, but the loose teeth and money from the tooth fairy tend to make it all worth it. 

13 years 

Once they hit the teenage years, your child will usually have the majority of their permanent teeth. The average number at age 13, according to the ADA, is having 28 permanent teeth in place. This includes four central incisors, four lateral incisors, eight premolars, four canines, and eight molars. 

17 years 

Your child is no longer a kid, but emerging into an adult. Now they’ll usually begin to welcome wisdom teeth, also known as third molars. Dependent on how they erupt in the mouth, they might need to be removed. 

Dental Tips for Childhood

So how do you care for and teach your child how to take care of their teeth during these stages? Follow these tips:

  • Begin cleaning the teeth as they come in, teaching your child to brush at least 2x a day.
  • Let your kid pick out a fun tooth brush and toothpaste to make the brushing process something they look forward to!
  • Use fluoride to help protect their teeth – tap water is a great way to get fluoride! 
  • Take your child for their first dentist close to their first birthday. Then, begin regular checkups throughout their growing years. 

A Family Dentist You Can Trust

Here at Stonebrook Family Dental, we believe it’s always better to prevent rather than have to repair. Regular checkups with your kids and cleanings can help instill good hygiene habits and set them up with a healthy smile for life. Call us today to set your appointment – (303)-872-7907.


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