
Find Out How Permanent Dentures Can Benefit You

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As your dentist, we understand how important it is to have the right fit when it comes to dentures. Whether you’re looking for a long-term solution or simply want something more durable than the traditional removable denture, permanent denture options are here to help. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through some of the pros and cons associated with permanent dentures so you can make an informed decision regarding which type works best for your lifestyle and needs. Read on to find out more!

Why Do Adults Lose Teeth?

Before diving into the benefits and drawbacks of permanent dentures, it’s important to understand why adults lose teeth. Loss of teeth can happen due to a variety of reasons, ranging from decay and gum disease to injury or even genetics. When the loss is severe enough, your dentist may recommend permanent dentures as an alternative. A few reasons adults lose teeth are:

  • Gum disease—Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease is the No. 1 cause of tooth loss in adults.1 It is a serious infection that affects the soft tissue and bone supporting your teeth. Without treatment, gum disease can destroy the supporting bone and cause tooth loss.
  • Cavities—Cavities are tiny holes in the hard surface of your teeth. Bacteria and poor dental cleaning can cause cavities, and if left untreated, they can lead to tooth loss.
  • Teeth grinding—Known in dentistry as bruxism, teeth grinding can do more than flatten, loosen and fracture teeth. It can also cause them to fall out.
  • Injury or trauma—Over 5 million teeth are knocked out every year between children and adults.

Who Needs Dentures?

Dentures can be used to replace any number of teeth. They are a great option for those who have lost teeth due to wear, decay, or disease, as well as those with missing teeth due to an accident or other trauma. Depending on your specific needs, a full set of dentures or just one arch may be recommended.

What are Permanent Dentures?

Permanent dentures are a type of denture that is held in place by dental implants or other forms of fixed prosthetic devices. They offer a longer-term solution to the traditional removable denture, as they can’t be removed and provide stability when speaking, eating and drinking. Unlike regular dentures, they don’t require the use of adhesives to stay in place and can provide a more natural look and feel.

Pros and Cons of Permanent Dentures


Permanent dentures come with some great benefits, making them an attractive option for those looking for a long-term solution. Some of the pros associated with permanent dentures include that they:

  • Stay in place more securely, offering a better fit and more stability.
  • Are less likely to move or slip out of place when talking or eating, helping you feel more confident in social situations.
  • Offer a natural look and feel that is close to your natural teeth.
  • Provide improved chewing ability as they work like real teeth.
  • Can last for many years with proper care, saving you money in the long run.


Despite all these benefits, there are some potential downsides to consider with permanent dentures. Some of the cons include:

  • A higher initial cost compared to traditional removable dentures as they require implants or fixed prosthetic devices.
  • Longer treatment times for the installation of permanent dentures than removable ones.
  • Risk of complications from dental implants or other prosthetic devices used to hold them in place.
  • A possible need for more frequent adjustments and replacements as your jawbone structure changes over time.

The Treatment Process

The process for permanent dentures typically involves several steps. The first step is to consult with your dentist to determine if you are a good candidate and decide which type of prosthetic device will best fit your needs. Once the decision has been made, x-rays, impressions and other tests may be done to ensure proper placement.

Next, the implant or prosthetic device will be inserted into your jawbone and allowed to heal and integrate with your bone. Once the integration process is complete, a support abutment will be placed on top of the implant, and then the denture will be attached to the abutment.

Your dentist may also advise you to wear temporary dentures while you are waiting for the implants to heal. After your new dentures have been properly fitted, you will need regular check-ups and adjustments as needed in order to ensure their long-term success.

Caring for Your Dentures

Like your teeth, your dentures should be brushed daily to remove food particles and plaque. Brushing also can help keep the teeth from staining. To care for your dentures, follow these tips:

  • Rinse your dentures before brushing to remove any loose food or debris.
  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush and a non-abrasive cleanser to gently brush all the surfaces of the dentures so they don’t get scratched.
  • When brushing, clean your mouth thoroughly—including your gums, cheeks, roof of your mouth and tongue to remove any plaque. This can help reduce the risk of oral irritation and bad breath.
  • When you’re not wearing your dentures, put them in a safe place covered in water to keep them from warping.
  • Occasionally, denture wearers may use adhesives. Adhesives come in many forms: creams, powders, pads/wafers, strips or liquids. If you use one of these products, read the instructions, and use them exactly as directed. Your dentist can recommend appropriate cleansers and adhesives; look for products with the ADA Seal of Acceptance. Products with the ADA Seal have been evaluated for safety and effectiveness.

Make an Appointment with Stonebrook Family Dental

If you are interested in learning more about permanent dentures and how they can benefit you, contact us at Stonebrook Family Dental. We are here to answer any questions you may have and create a personalized treatment plan that meets your needs. With years of experience in providing exceptional dental care, our team is ready to help bring out the best version of your smile. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment!


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