
Get A Straighter Smile With Invisalign

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A smiling woman holding an Invisalign aligner in her hand

Most people aren’t very excited to get bulky metal braces placed on their teeth, but now patients have more options than ever to receive orthodontic care without sacrificing their confidence. Invisalign is a popular choice for teenagers, athletes and busy patients who want to straighten their teeth but don’t like the look of traditional metal braces. Invisalign uses clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth in the most discreet and inconspicuous way possible. Patients can now smile with confidence during orthodontic treatment without worrying about metal brackets and wires getting in the way. Find out how Invisalign works and if it’s your best option for orthodontic care with these tips!


Invisalign vs. Traditional Metal Braces

Most of us will have some type of orthodontic treatment during our lives, but we have more options than ever to choose how we straighten our teeth. In the past, traditional metal braces were the norm and most patients dealt with the bulky metal wires and brackets. However, if you’re concerned about your appearance or simply don’t like the look of traditional braces, Invisalign may be for you. Invisalign is a form of orthodontic care that straightens teeth with clear, removable aligners. Invisalign has become popular among teenagers and young adults as it allows them to do everything they want without worrying about breaking a bracket or being self-conscious when they smile. While traditional braces are a great option for straightening misaligned teeth, they’re not always the easiest to play an instrument or sport with, and forget about eating chewy or hard candies and food. With Invisalign, you can remove your aligner to play contact sports or use a musical instrument, plus you can take it out during meals. There’s no worrying about breaking a bracket or wire with Invisalign; all you have to do is remove the aligner during mealtime and insert it again after you’re done. It’s also much easier to brush and floss your teeth with Invisalign since you don’t have to worry about wires getting in the way. 


What To Expect With Invisalign

Before you can receive Invisalign aligners, you will have to be evaluated by a dental professional to be fitted for them. X-rays will be taken of your teeth to determine your level of malocclusion and impressions will be made, as well, to model your aligners after. If you still have wisdom teeth or teeth that are crowded, they may be removed before orthodontic treatment begins. From your impressions, clear plastic aligners will be fabricated that you will wear for a certain period of time before replacing them with other aligners as your teeth move in your mouth. Invisalign aligners will need to be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day and you’ll need to brush your teeth before inserting them back into your mouth after eating. You’ll also have fewer emergency visits since you won’t have wires or brackets that can break, so you’ll save money in the long run. 


It will take a few weeks for your mouth to get used to the aligner in your mouth, but then you won’t even notice it. Invisalign aligners are designed to fit snugly and smoothly in your mouth so that you can’t detect them, and once your mouth adjusts, you’ll be good to go. Not only can you not feel them, but they are invisible to everyone around you, as well, so no more worrying about your appearance. Unlike other orthodontic treatments, you’ll experience full confidence during your time with Invisalign.


Caring For Your Invisalign AlignersInvisalign aligner sitting next to a toothbrush

Since you wear each set of aligners for a few weeks at a time, you’ll go through quite a few of them before treatment ends. To make sure that your aligners last you, wash and clean them each day and make sure to brush your teeth after each meal. Your aligners can be easily cleaned with antibacterial hand soap and a toothbrush or you can rinse them under water as you scrub with your toothbrush. You can even buy an Invisalign cleaning system online that includes special cleaning agents to maintain the durability of your aligners. Aligners can also be broken by little kids or animals if left unattended, so make sure to keep them in a safe place or container. To prevent warping, keep your aligners out of extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. If you have any problems with your aligners, contact your orthodontist or dentist so that they can evaluate your aligner and identify any underlying issues. 


Straighten Your Smile With Our Help!

At Stonebrook Family Dental, we specialize in helping patients improve the look and health of their smiles. Our team is experienced with fitting Invisalign aligners and can help you get the smile that you deserve. Call our office today at (303) 872-7907 to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards a straighter smile!

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