
Save Your Smile With Periodontitis Treatment

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Do you know the signs of Periodontitis? Periodontitis is a bacterial infection that can spread to your entire body if not treated. Periodontitis affects more than 50% of adults, and it’s up to you whether or not you want to take care of your oral health. If left untreated, Periodontitis could lead to tooth loss and other serious health problems. That’s why we have treatments available at Stonebrook Family Dental to help get your teeth back to a healthy state.

Early Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease occurs gradually over time. The first signs you may notice are increased sensitivity to hot or cold, redness around the gums, and swelling. These are all factors that lead up to periodontitis, the most severe form of gum disease. 

Symptoms of gum disease include: 

– Bad breath

– Gum pain or tenderness

– Bleeding gums when brushing your teeth 

– Loose teeth

What is Periodontitis?

Periodontitis is the advanced form of gum disease that can lead to tooth loss if not treated. It can lead to painful symptoms such as bleeding gums, persistent bad breath and swollen or tender gums. If left untreated, periodontitis can result in loss of teeth. A full list of symptoms you could experience with periodontitis include:

  • Bad breath or bad taste that won’t go away
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Painful chewing
  • Loose teeth
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Gums that have pulled away from your teeth
  • Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Any change in the fit of partial dentures

Risks of Periodontitis

Unfortunately, periodontitis is all too common, affecting half of all adults over the age of 30 in the United States. This staggering number totals out to be around 64.7 million Americans.

Without proper care, periodontitis can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease or diabetes. In pregnant women, unmanaged gum disease can also lead to increased risk of pregnancy complications. Additionally, for all gum disease patients, it could result in:

– Jawbone decay: gum disease can cause the jaw bone to recede, which makes it more difficult for dental implants or bridges.

– Difficulty chewing food: this could also result in a less stable bite and patients may have issues chewing food properly. This causes an unbalanced diet and is considered nutritionally inadequate. 

– Misaligned jaw: gum disease may also cause the jaw to become misaligned, which could further affect your bite and create unneeded stress on teeth.

How to Treat Periodontitis 

The first way to treat periodontitis is to prevent it altogether. You can do this by practicing good dental hygiene at home (brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, using fluoride), eating a well-rounded diet, and visiting your dentist twice a year — even if you believe you are healthy. However, if you begin experiencing signs of gum disease, we have treatment options to get your smile healthy again.

Understanding Your Treatment Options

At Stonebrook Family Dental, we provide periodontal treatment for our patients with this condition. Periodontal treatment focuses on removing harmful bacteria from around your gums. Periodontitis treatment may include scaling and root planing to remove plaque, tartar or bacteria from your teeth; periodontitis therapy to reduce swelling in the gums; or antibiotic therapy if you have an infection caused by bacteria.

Periodontal treatment can help stop gum disease in its tracks. At Stonebrook Family Dental we offer:

– Scaling and root planing: Periodontal scaling and root planing is a deep cleaning treatment that can remove plaque, tartar and bacteria from the teeth.

– Periodontitis therapy: We also offer periodontitis therapy to help reduce swelling or pockets around the gums. This will improve your oral health so you don’t have to worry about losing your teeth.

Can Children Have Periodontitis?

Yes, children are also at risk for gum disease. This severe form of gum disease is most often seen in adults but can be found in up to about 35 percent of children and teens. This is why proper dental hygiene and care is important for the whole family!

Saving Your Teeth With Periodontitis Treatment at Stonebrook Family Dental

Periodontitis Treatment at Stonebrook Family Dental periodontal treatment can help stop gum disease in its tracks. If you believe you, or your child, is suffering from gum disease, make an appointment today to save your smile. Early detection is key in making sure that you can keep all of your teeth and restore your smile. To learn more about gum disease and your treatment options, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kevin Varley today: (303)-872-7907. 

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