
6 Surprising Ways You’re Staining Your Teeth

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A bright, white smile is a universal symbol of health and beauty. It’s no wonder that the pursuit of pearly whites has spawned a multi-billion-dollar oral care industry, from at-home whitening kits to professional dental treatments.

But what if, unbeknownst to you, your daily habits were undermining all your whitening efforts? The truth is, there are several surprising culprits behind stained teeth that go beyond the usual suspects like coffee and red wine. In this post, we’ll uncover six unexpected habits that might be dulling your smile.

1. Not Rinsing After Using Mouthwashes with Chlorhexidine

Mouthwashes that are medicated with chlorhexidine are often prescribed after certain dental procedures or for individuals with periodontal disease. While these mouthwashes are excellent for killing bacteria and promoting oral health, they can leave a blue or brown tartar on teeth when not rinsed thoroughly. This is often termed “chlorhexidine staining.”

To avoid chlorhexidine staining, it’s crucial to follow the instructions provided. Dentists often recommend rinsing with water after using these mouthwashes. If you find that these stains are already present, consult your dentist for professional cleaning and advice on maintaining a bright smile while using chlorhexidine.

2. Over-Reliance on Acidic Beverages

Highly acidic drinks like fruit juices, sports drinks, and certain sodas can be just as damaging to the enamel as they are hydrating. Acids can soften the enamel, making it more prone to staining from other foods and drinks, and more susceptible to mechanical wear. Furthermore, the pigments in dark-colored drinks have an easier time clinging to the softened enamel, leaving lasting stains.

One way to avoid such staining is to enjoy these beverages through a straw to minimize contact with the teeth. Additionally, avoid swishing the drinks around in your mouth and remember to drink water afterward to help neutralize the acid and rinse away any remaining substances.

3. Vaping

The habit of inhaling coherent aerosols, like those from vaping or certain medical treatments, can lead to what dentists have colloquially termed “vaper’s teeth.” The reason behind this is twofold: the nicotine found in these aerosols can cause teeth to yellow, but it’s the combination of nicotine and the vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol found in flavored aerosols that create a sticky film on teeth.

Similar to how plaque can discolor teeth, this sticky film can adhere to the enamel, which causes significant staining. The best way to prevent “vaper’s teeth” is to avoid the habit entirely. If quitting is not an option, consider increasing your dental hygiene routine to protect your smile.

4. Consuming “Healthy” Snacks That Have High Carbohydrate Content

Items often promoted as healthy, like granola bars, protein shakes, and dried fruits, can contain high levels of carbohydrates, which break down into sugars in the mouth. These processed and concentrated sugar sources can contribute to the development of plaque, which can stain the teeth over time.

Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, help clean the teeth naturally. If snacks do contain sugars, try to brush or rinse your mouth after consuming them. Furthermore, instead of reaching for high-carb snacks, consider alternatives with lower sugar content to keep your teeth free from stains.

5. Excessive Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing tends to dry out the mouth, reducing saliva levels that would normally help cleanse teeth. Saliva serves as a natural defense against tooth staining, as it contains proteins that help prevent the adhesion of tooth-staining compounds.

To aid in preventing stains from mouth-breathing, try to figure out what’s causing your mouth to stay open at night (a common cause is nasal congestion) and address the underlying issue. A humidifier can also help keep the mouth from drying out while sleeping.

6. Ignoring Chronic Congestion

Chronic congestion often leads to mouth breathing, as mentioned earlier, and in addition to the increased risk of tooth staining, it can also lead to a dry mouth. A dry mouth not only makes you more susceptible to bad breath but also to plaque and tartar that can, over time, lead to dental caries and stains.

It’s important to seek treatment for chronic congestion, whether through over-the-counter remedies, allergy treatments, or other medical interventions. Doing so will not only help prevent tooth stains but also benefit your overall oral health.

The path to whiter teeth isn’t just about what you don’t consume; it’s also about understanding the impact of your day-to-day habits. By making small adjustments and staying vigilant about your oral hygiene, you can ensure that your smile remains as bright as your aspirations. Remember, while it’s essential to avoid the obvious staining agents, it’s equally important to pay attention to the less evident ones. Your teeth will thank you with a gleaming — and surprising — whiteness.

Teeth Whitening Treatment at Stonebrook Family Dental

At Stonebrook Family Dental, we offer professional teeth whitening treatments that can help you achieve a brighter and whiter smile. Our team will guide you through the process, taking into consideration any potential habits that might be causing staining.

In-office whitening treatments produce immediate, noticeable results. Depending on which in-office whitening treatment you choose, you can expect to see a 5-10 shade difference in just 20-60 minutes. The following in-office whitening options are offered at Stonebrook Family Dental:

  • LED whitening. This technique is used every 6 months at your regular dental exam visit. It is considered a maintenance procedure that will whiten your teeth 1-3 shades in just 20 minutes. An LED accelerated light is used to help achieve that whiter smile in no time.
  • Boost System by Ultradent. If you want to drastically change your smile in one hour, you can use the Boost System by Ultradent. Boost is a chemically activated power whitening gel that provides brighter, whiter teeth after just 40-60 minutes in the dental chair. The powerful 40% hydrogen peroxide gel is chemically activated, and doesn’t require light to work. Using the unique double-syringe configuration, our whitening team activates the 40% hydrogen peroxide formula just prior to application, and will ensure every dose of Boost is fresh and effective.

Make an Appointment with Stonebrook Family Dental

Don’t let stains hold you back from smiling confidently. Schedule a consultation with Stonebrook Family Dental today to learn more about our teeth whitening treatments and how they can enhance your smile. Our team will work with you to identify the best option for your unique needs. We’ll help you achieve a brighter, whiter smile that you can be proud of!

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